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Electronic Warfare (EW)
Defense and Government

Electronic Warfare (EW)

Secure processing and storage of electromagnetic data in real-time to effectively control, exploit, or deny use of the spectrum.

Where does Trenton Systems come into play?

Deployed in ground-based and ship-based control rooms, in vehicles, within racks on aircraft, or in forward-deployed containers.

High-Speed Frequencies

Run applications such as signal analysis, interception, jamming at extremely fast speeds and with minimal latency.

Enhanced Storage Capacity

Quickly store and retrieve massive amounts of actionable intelligence to effectively respond to or deter enemy threats.


Guard mission-critical data-at-rest, in-transit, and in-use across the hardware, firmware, software, and network layers.

Electronic Warfare Solutions


A compact, configurable, and rugged 1U high-performance computing solution that runs critical EW operations at lightning-fast speeds within harsh environments. 


Electronic Warfare Solutions

Rugged NVMe Storage Solutions

High-capacity storage solutions with GPGPU-accelerated RAID allowing for immediate recording and analysis of electromagnetic data at the edge to enhance decision-making.

Rugged NVMe Storage Solutions