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Blogs by Trenton Systems / machine learning

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

Artificial intelligence has three subfields that help it equip high-performance computers with powers that match and exceed human abilities. In this blog post, you'll learn about how the first subfield of AI, machine learning, helps high-performance computers interpret data and make d …

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What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

From the military to healthcare, artificial intelligence (AI) programs computers to undertake essential tasks through recognizing patterns in large amounts of data. In this blog, you'll learn how AI equips high-performance compute systems with cognitive powers that match and exceed hu …

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Why the Armed Forces Must Prioritize Secure, Made-In-USA GPU Computers

This is a graphic showcasing NVIDIA GPUs and Trenton rugged computers superimposed over a military/space background. NVIDIA's and Trenton Systems' logos are also pictured.

Graphic: GPU-intensive AI is and will continue to be an integral part of many military deployments. Bearing this in mind, It's crucial that the Armed Forces prioritize the procurement and acquisition of cybersecure, made-in-USA GPU computing platforms that defend the integrity of mili …

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