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Blogs by Trenton Systems / Cross domain solutions

What are the different types of cross-domain solutions?

What are the different types of cross-domain solutions?

Because different environments have different security requirements, the security measures needed to protect sensitive information must vary. To this end, there are different kinds of cross-domain solutions that can be used to fit the circumstances. In this blog, you'll learn more abo …

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Five Common Challenges Posed by Air Gaps, and How They Can Be Solved

Five Common Challenges Posed by Air Gaps, and How They Can Be Solved

While air gaps are a reliable means of protecting against cyberthreats, there are several challenges associated with their use that may warrant investing in additional measures to secure computing and network architectures. In this blog, you'll learn more about what air gaps are, the …

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What is mixed criticality?

What is mixed criticality?

Systems for the military, DoD, and critical infrastructure sectors run complex applications and services with different levels of criticality. This requires that workloads be isolated from one another to reduce interference or intrusion. In this blog, you'll learn more about what mixe …

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What is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)?

What is an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)?

Due to the complex, data intensive nature of HPC workloads, computing infrastructures must be equipped to accelerate and enhance these tasks while being tailored to an end user's application needs. In this blog, you'll learn more about what an FPGA is, how it works, various use cases, …

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What is a Cross Domain Solution (CDS)?

Data often moves between areas with varying classification and security levels, prompting the need for a solution that can guard critical data, irrespective of where it is traveling, from unauthorized access. In this blog, you'll learn what a cross domain solution (CDS) is, how it wor …

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