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Blogs by Trenton Systems

New MBS1001 Blade Server Delivers Compute Density

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The MBS1001 is part of the Modular Blade System family from Trenton Systems; it hosts 2 Modular Blade cards such as the MBK8257 and MSL8256 in just 1U and 19" of rack space, and under 23 pounds. This allows the MBS1001 to deliver critical compute density to deployment scenarios such a …

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Timelapse Build of IBM's Z14 Mainframe


"The new IBM® z14™ (z14) mainframe is the core of trusted digital experiences. It enables the ultimate protection for your data and simplifies compliance to regulations. With z14, you can apply machine learning to your most valuable data to create deeper insights. And z14 is designed …

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Best Practices for every Data Center

What's Important For My Data Center? In today's modern world, the requirements for data to be accessed at lightning-fast speeds while providing utmost security is a standard practice. A data center not only needs to house the best equipment money can buy but it also needs to have an i …

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Trenton Systems Rugged Computer Supports Halo Sporting Display


Hometown Team Provides Processing Power to AV Solutions Partner Daktronics The new Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Downtown Atlanta, Georgia is nearing completion and Trenton Systems is proud to announce our partnership with Daktronics of Brookings, South Dakota, a premiere designer, manufac …

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Rugged Rackmount Chassis Survives 750 Pounds of Force


How much abuse can your rackmount computer handle? Here at Trenton, we use the word, "rugged," a lot. It's woven into our design methodology from conception to integration, for both boards and chassis. We know that we over-engineer our products so that you don't have to worry about wh …

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5 Benefits of a Custom BIOS

A motherboard with a BIOS label

Photo: Looking for a custom BIOS solution? These are some key considerations to keep in mind.

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Can you really buy a made-in-USA rack mount server?

When you bought your last rack mount server you probably saw a sticker that said, “Made In China” or “Made in Taiwan.” Whether you are working on a military, government, or industrial/commercial application that utilizes sensitive information, the risks involved in utilizing a foreign …

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How To Calculate A Rackmount Computer Failure Rate

When sourcing a rackmount computer supplier for your embedded computing components, especially when quality, longevity and the assurance that the components were designed, built, integrated and supported in the USA are important factors, an important consideration is the failure rate …

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Selecting Power Supplies for Industrial Computers

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One of the most important factors when specifying an embedded computing system is the power supply. The application drives the power supply selection process, starting with fully understanding the power requirements and how you want to integrate the power solution, with the availabili …

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A Vicious Cycle - The Hidden Recurring Costs of a Short Lifecycle

Your average computer is available on the market for two to three years, its "lifecycle." This is fine for commercial customers who have no expectation of buying the same exact computer in the future. Still, this raises an issue for the industrial computer customer who spends a lot of …

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