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Blogs by Trenton Systems

Can I buy this exact military computer until 2040? (Yes, you can!)

Can I buy this exact military computer until 2040? (Yes, you can!)

I was recently asked by a potential military customer if they could continue buying the same computer from Trenton Systems until 2040. Most people may immediately think that a date 22 years from now is way beyond their control and impossible to even consider. I'm proud to say that Tre …

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NVIDIA® CUDA® is a parallel computing platform and programming model that allows the company's Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to provide general purpose processing. General Purpose GPU (GPGPU) computing excels at the processing of large blocks of parallelized data. GPGPUs break thes …

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PCI Express-driven Cyrptographic Systems Tech Challenges

Correctly routing PCIe signal traces is a design challenge that few companies can handle well, and taking short cuts in single board computer and backplane designs which utilize the PCI Express interface will always result in suboptimal system performance particularly in rugged cyrpto …

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NVMe Data Storage Gaining Traction

We are drowning in storage data! In the commercial markets, think of all those selfies and videos that are populating the internet every second of every day. In our embedded computing market space, think of all the data that is being generated and needs to find a storage home. Our fri …

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What Is a Computing Partnership?

As a management team here at Trenton Systems, we try to periodically stop and ask the bigger questions. Why do we exist? What value do we bring to customers? What areas do we need to improve? What makes us better than our competition? There seems to be one common theme with our existi …

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PICMG 1.3 Specification

Industry Transition to PICMG 1.3

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PCI Express Expansion Product Family Extends I/O Capability


Trenton's family of PCI Express Expansion products deliver a simplified yet high-speed method of securely adding system I/O cards to an existing host server. These new products provide a x16 PCIe link from your host server to any of Trenton's PCIe Expansion chassis. Industry standard …

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PCI Express-driven Cryptographic Systems Tech Challenges

Correctly routing PCIe signal traces is a design challenge that few companies can handle well, and taking short cuts in single board computer and backplane designs which utilize the PCI Express interface will always result in suboptimal system performance particularly in rugged cyrpto …

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You Can Have Any Color You Want


Mr. Henry Ford was quoted as saying that, “A customer can have a car painted any color he wants as long as it’s black.” While it is true that most of the rackmount computer systems we ship do indeed have a black face plate, different chassis colors or special chassis labeling and logo …

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Trenton Launches New Purley Platform Skylake-SP Host Boards


Intel® next-generation Xeon® Gold and Silver processors formally known as Skylake-SP and developed under the family codename Purley have released and Trenton Systems is proud to launch two new products based on this architecture. The Intel® Xeon® Gold and Silver processors are support …

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